Peer Review Process

Review Process for "Transactions on Federated Engineering & Systems"

  1. Submission:

Authors are invited to submit their research papers to "Transactions on Federated Engineering & Systems" through the online submission system. Submitted papers should adhere to the journal's guidelines, including formatting, structure, and APA reference style for citations.

  1. Editorial Review:

Upon submission, the editorial team conducts an initial review to ensure that the manuscript meets the journal's scope and follows the guidelines. This review assesses factors such as the originality of the work, relevance to the field, adherence to ethical standards, and compliance with formatting requirements.

  1. Peer Review:

All submitted papers undergo a rigorous and double-blind peer-review process. The editorial team selects expert reviewers from the relevant field, maintaining confidentiality to ensure impartial evaluations. Reviewers are chosen based on their expertise and prior experience in similar research areas.

  1. Reviewer Evaluation:

Reviewers assess the submitted papers based on various criteria, including:

  • Originality and significance of the research.
  • Clarity and organization of the manuscript.
  • Methodological rigor and appropriateness.
  • Relevance to the field of Federated Engineering & Systems.
  • Validity and accuracy of results and interpretations.
  • Ethical considerations, including proper citation of previous works.
  1. Reviewer Recommendations:

After evaluating the paper, reviewers provide detailed comments and recommendations to the editorial team. The recommendations may include:

  • Acceptance without revisions.
  • Acceptance with minor revisions.
  • Major revisions required before acceptance.
  • Reject, with or without the possibility of resubmission.
  1. Author Revision:

If revisions are required, the editorial team communicates the reviewers' comments to the authors, who are then given an opportunity to address the feedback and improve their paper accordingly.

  1. Final Decision:

Based on the reviewers' recommendations and the revised manuscript, the editorial team makes the final decision regarding acceptance. The corresponding author is notified of the decision, along with any further instructions or feedback.

  1. Publication:

Accepted papers are scheduled for publication in the next available issue of "Transactions on Federated Engineering & Systems." The journal is published on a regular basis, and authors are informed about the approximate publication date of their paper.

  1. Transparency and Integrity:

The review process of "Transactions on Federated Engineering & Systems" adheres to principles of transparency, fairness, and scholarly integrity. The double-blind peer-review system ensures unbiased evaluations, promoting the quality and credibility of published research.

  1. Timelines:

The journal strives to complete the review process promptly. However, the duration of the review may vary depending on factors such as the complexity of the research and reviewer availability. Authors are informed of the estimated timeline for review during the submission process.

"Transactions on Federated Engineering & Systems" values the contributions of reviewers and authors and appreciates their commitment to advancing the field of Federated Engineering & Systems through high-quality research and rigorous scholarly review.