Open Access & APC

Dear Authors and Researchers,

We are pleased to announce that "Transactions on Federated Engineering & Systems" follows an Open Access publishing model, providing unrestricted access to all published content. Open Access means that all articles published in our journal are freely available to readers worldwide, promoting the widespread dissemination of knowledge and fostering a more inclusive research community.

Key Benefits of Open Access:

  1. Global Reach: Open Access ensures that your research reaches a diverse global audience, including scholars, practitioners, policymakers, and the general public. By removing access barriers, your work can have a broader impact and make a difference in various fields.

  2. Increased Visibility: Open Access articles tend to receive higher citation rates and greater visibility in search engines and academic databases. This enhanced visibility can boost the recognition and influence of your research within the scholarly community.

  3. Collaborative Research: By making your findings openly accessible, you facilitate collaboration with fellow researchers, leading to potential interdisciplinary partnerships and groundbreaking advancements in the field of Federated Engineering & Systems.

Article Processing Charge (APC):

To sustain the Open Access publishing model and cover the costs associated with the editorial process, peer review, typesetting, and online hosting, "Transactions on Federated Engineering & Systems" requires authors to pay an Article Processing Charge (APC) of $500 for each accepted paper.

It is important to note that the APC is only applicable to accepted papers and is not a submission or review fee. Authors are invoiced for the APC upon acceptance of their manuscript. Our goal is to keep the APC reasonable while ensuring that the journal maintains its commitment to high-quality publishing standards.

Waiver Policy:

We understand that financial constraints may hinder some authors from paying the APC. Therefore, we offer a waiver policy for authors from low-income countries or those facing genuine financial difficulties. Eligible authors may apply for an APC waiver, and decisions will be made based on individual circumstances and the impact of the research.

We believe that embracing Open Access and supporting the APC contributes to the global exchange of knowledge and promotes advancements in Federated Engineering & Systems.

Thank you for considering "Transactions on Federated Engineering & Systems" as the venue for your research. We look forward to receiving your valuable contributions.


Editor-in-Chief "Transactions on Federated Engineering & Systems"