Author Guidelines
The Int. Jr. of Human Computations and Intelligence offer authors a wide range of research publication support. Before submitting, the authos are instructed to read the following instructions carefully.
STEP 1: Manuscript Preparation
The author can download the template of IJCHI here or follow IEEE Journal template for initial submission process at https://www.ieee.org/conferences/publishing/templates.html
Use A4 WORD format only for initial submissions
STEP 2: Login/Register in IJHCI
The author need to submit they manuscript ONLY through the Journal Manuscript Management (JMM) Interface via registering. IJHCI does not collect or recommend any manuscripts via electronic mails (E-mails)
STEP 3: Submission via JMM Interface
Author’s registered mail can be used as “Login Username” with the password set by the user’s during the registration process. The use can extract the password via email authentication by “Forgot password” option in Login section.
Authors should upload only “WORD – Editable” files and avoid locking the files via passwords, such files shall be rejected without review process from the editor.
STEP 4: Submission Acknowledgement
Author/s on successfully uploading the manuscript shall get an official confirmation from IJHCI editor with the “Manuscript title” and author details.
- Backend, the editor shall assign the manuscript to TWO reviewers for blind review process via JMM of OJS
- The revision mail or the decision mail shall be sent to the registered mail ID’s of author/s via Journal communication.
STEP 5: Payment of Article Processing Charges (APC)
If the author/s are notified with the decision of “ACCEPT” from the IJHCI editor via an official email. The author/s can then proceed with the payment of Article Processing Charges (APC) as specified in the email.
The APC payment shall be made via UPI ID or Wire transfer. The details shall be communicated from the editor post the acceptance of your article.
STEP 6: Uploading Camera-ready manuscript and Payment Proofs
The author/s need to upload the camera-ready manuscript with the payment proof (Screenshot or UPI/Bank transaction number) on JMM via login into the IJHCI portal.
STEP 7: Publication Acknowledgement
The author/s, shall be officially be notified as and when the Issue of the manuscript assigned is ONLINE and published at IJHCI portal.