Bleeding Frame and Region Detection in Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Video
Support Vector Machine (SVM), Wireless capsule endoscopy (WCE), region detection, KNN, characterization processAbstract
Wireless capsule endoscopy (WCE) enables non-invasive and painless direct visual inspection of a patient’s whole digestive tract, but at the price of long time reviewing large amount of images by clinicians. Thus an automatic computer-aided technique to reduce the burden of physicians is highly demanded. Here propose a novel color feature extraction method to discriminate the bleeding frames from the normal ones, with further localization of the bleeding regions. The proposed method is based on a twofold system. First method provides full use of the color information of WCE images and utilize K-means clustering method on the pixel represented images to obtain the cluster centers, with which the characterize WCE images as words based color histograms. Then the methods judge the status of a WCE frame by applying support vector machine (SVM) and K nearest neighbor (KNN) methods. Comprehensive experimental results reveal that the best classification performance is obtained with YCbCr color space, cluster number 80 and the SVM. The achieved classification performance reaches 95.75% in accuracy, 0.9771 for AUC, validating that the proposed scheme provides an exciting performance for bleeding classification. The second method propose a two-stage saliency map extraction method to highlight bleeding regions where the first stage saliency map is created by means of different color channels mixer and the second stage saliency map is obtained from the visual contrast. Followed by an appropriate fusion strategy and threshold, localize the bleeding areas. Quantitative as well as qualitative results show that our methods could differentiate the bleeding areas from neighborhoods correctly.
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