Defined Circle Friend Recommendation Policy for Growing Social Media
recommendation model, social media, machine learning tool, dataminingAbstract
Today social media has grown with a fast and has spread wide across the globe with a unique user profile as nodes under an Online Social Network (OSN). This paper focus on the current trends on Social Media and a brief survey on OSN with Friend Recommendation Scheme (FRS). The OSN users under various social domains such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google have been assigned a unique identification as to establish under the network and communicate under single and multi-hop communication. Today the individual shares they daily life affairs on social media and a concern is created on preserving the policies of privacy. In this survey paper a summary on various schemes and its applications are discussed for my concern of work.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Afifa Salsabil Fathima1, Divya Prakesh, Sristhi Kumari

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