Transactions on Federated Engineering and Systems: Announcements <p><strong><em>Transactions on Federated Engineering &amp; Systems </em></strong><strong>[ISSN:</strong> Applied] is a prestigious and peer-reviewed multidisciplinary journal that serves as a prominent platform for cutting-edge research and advancements in the field of Federated Engineering and Systems. The journal aims to foster the exchange of innovative ideas, methodologies, and technologies within the realm of federated systems, providing a comprehensive understanding of this rapidly evolving domain. The journal caters to a diverse audience of researchers, academics, professionals, and industry experts in the fields of engineering, computer science, information technology, data science, artificial intelligence, and related domains. </p> en-US Mon, 07 Aug 2023 16:28:48 +0000 OJS 60 Editor-in-Chief <div class="textblock"> <p>Qin Xin graduated with his Ph.D (1st Oct. 2002 – 30th Sep. 2004) in Department of Computer Science at University of Liverpool, UK in December 2004. Currently, he is working as a FULL professor of Computer Science in the Faculty of Science and Technology at the University of the Faroe Islands (UoFI), Faroe Islands. Prior to joining UoFI, he had held variant research positions in world leading universities and research laboratory including Senior Research Fellowship at Universite Catholique de Louvain, Belgium, Research Scientist/Postdoctoral Research Fellowship at Simula Research Laboratory, Norway and Postdoctoral Research Fellowship at University of Bergen, Norway.</p> <p>His main research focus is on design and analysis of sequential, parallel and distributed algorithms for various communication and optimization problems in wireless communication networks, as well as cryptography and digital currencies including quantum money. Moreover, he also investigates the combinatorial optimization problems with applications in Bioinformatics, Data Mining and Space Research. Currently, Prof. Xin is serving on Management Committee Board of Denmark for several EU ICT projects. Prof. Xin has produced more than 150 peer reviewed scientific papers.</p> <p>His works have been published in leading international conferences and journals, such as ICALP, ACM PODC, SWAT, IEEE MASS, ISAAC, SIROCCO, IEEE ICC, Algorithmica, Theoretical Computer Science, Distributed Computing, IEEE Transactions on Computers, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing, ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing, and Advances in Space Research.</p> <p>He has been very actively involved in the services for the community in terms of acting (or acted) on various positions (e.g., Session Chair, Member of Technical Program Committee, Symposium Organizer and Local Organization Co-chair) for numerous international leading conferences in the fields of distributed computing, wireless communications and ubiquitous intelligence and computing, including IEEE MASS, IEEE LCN, ACM SAC, IEEE ICC, IEEE Globecom, IEEE WCNC, IEEE VTC, IFIP NPC, IEEE Sarnoff and so on. He is the Organizing Committee Chair for the 17th and 18th Scandinavian Symposium and Workshops on Algorithm Theory (SWAT 2020 and SWAT 2022, Torshavn, Faroe Islands). Currently, he also serves on the editorial board for more than ten international journals.</p> </div> <h3 class="subheader">Research interests</h3> <div class="textblock"> <ol> <li>Sequential, parallel and distributed algorithms for various communication and optimization problems in wireless networks and information management systems</li> <li>Discrete algorithms for combinatorial problems with applications in Bioinformatics, Data Mining, and Space Research</li> <li>Cryptography, blockchain technology and digital currencies including quantum money</li> </ol> <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Webpage of Dr. Qin Xin</a></p> </div> Mon, 07 Aug 2023 16:28:48 +0000 Journal Launch Issue <p>We are happy to launch "Transactions on Federated Engineering &amp; Systems". This journal is published under an Open Access, Bi-Annual frequency. We invite researchers, academia and scholars to submit they noval and unpublished work in this journal.</p> <p>Submission link: <a href="">CLICK HERE</a></p> Mon, 07 Aug 2023 16:25:51 +0000 Journal Metrics <p><strong>Frequency: </strong> 2 Iss. Per Vol. Per Year <br /><strong>Submission to final decision: </strong>23 days <br /><strong>Acceptance to publication:</strong> 8 days <br /><strong>Acceptance Rate: </strong>21% <br /><strong>ISSN:</strong> APPLIED <br />© 2023 MileStone Research Foundation <br />Peer Reviewed, Open Access, Rapid Publication</p> Mon, 07 Aug 2023 16:17:05 +0000