One Time Pad Encryption Technique in Cryptography


  • Alle Bhavana Kumari Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology, Yamnampet,Ghatkesar, Hyderabad (T.G), India
  • HalavathBalaji Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology, Yamnampet,Ghatkesar, Hyderabad (T.G), India
  • N Ch S N Iyengar Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology, Yamnampet,Ghatkesar, Hyderabad (T.G), India


Cloud Computing, Cryptography, One-Time Pad (OTP)


Cloud Computing is a term that is used for the provision of host services over the Internet The secure data storage on cloud environments is the primary requirement of such applications, where data are being transferred or transmitted between the servers and their users. The existing paper consists of a text steganography approach for hiding loaded secret English text file in a cover English text file which is less confidential. In this paper we are using one of the most effective technique for secure communicating is cryptography in cloud. Cryptography involves the creation of codes written or generated that allow secrecy of information. To ensure security of data in cloud computing, this paper presents  an encryption technique called One  Time Pad(OTP).The one time pad (OTP) is an uncrack able encryption technique, but it requires the use of a shared key of the same size as, or longer than, the message sent. The proposed system offers information theoretic security, data hiding capacity


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How to Cite

Alle Bhavana Kumari, HalavathBalaji, & N Ch S N Iyengar. (2023). One Time Pad Encryption Technique in Cryptography. International Journal of Computational Learning & Intelligence, 2(1), 1–7. Retrieved from

