Genetic algorithm based Architectural framework for Natural Language Based Question Answering System


  • Vinutha H Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Bangalore
  • Mukula Chaitanya School of Computer Science and Engineering, REVA University, Bangalore
  • Nagashree N School of Computer Science and Engineering, REVA University, Bangalore


NLP, Question answering system, genetic algorithms, framework, machine learning


A natural language Question Answering System (QAS) in contrast to traditional keyword search systems does not return a complete document to the user. Instead, users ask a question in natural language and receive a specific answer in return. However, most of the existing methods do not consider the profile of user who is asking the question. The availability of information in different formats, languages and different levels of granularity makes information retrieval difficult to answer the asked question. This paper proposes a framework using Genetic algorithm based optimizer in which the information about the user (asking the question) will also be considered while answering the question


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How to Cite

Vinutha H, Mukula Chaitanya, & Nagashree N. (2022). Genetic algorithm based Architectural framework for Natural Language Based Question Answering System. International Journal of Computational Learning & Intelligence, 1(2), 19–21. Retrieved from

