The method of Lexicons applied to Sentiment Analysis on Twitter Data to address NLP issues
Tweeter, sentiment analysis, twitter data analysis, NLPAbstract
As the world grows, social networks are one of the biggest sources of information where a lot of people interact and communicate. Among the various social media platforms Twitter is one type of social media that is often used. Users tweet their thoughts to the public. Sharing and taking of reviews has been a helpful way to learn about opinions about things. These opinions can lead to Sentiment Analysis, in Twitter there are tweets that can be sentiments. It can be defined as policy, logic, etc. Firstly, a natural language processing-based pre-processes data framework is created to filter tweets. Tokenization sentiment is a technique to be used as a stemming technique. Overall, the process is intended to ascertain what a person thought about a specific tweet they posted. A bag of Words is incorporated to frame a model concept to analyse sentiment. Using this technique, positive and negative tweets can be classified, and also lexicons are used for developing sentiment analysis of tweets.References
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